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Pension calculator

Use Money Advice Service's pension calculator to help you work out how much money you'll need in retirement and how much you'll need to save.

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State Pension

The State Pension gives you a regular income from the government once you reach State Pension age.

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Workplace pensions

Workplace pensions are set up by employers. From April 2019 every employer must provide a workplace pension.

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Tracing old pensions

If you have had more than one job you may have multiple pensions. The Pension Tracing Service is free and can help.

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An annuity is a type of insurance policy that can be bought using your pension and provide you with a regular income.

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Pension scams

It’s possible to access your pension prior to retirement and invest in another way, but be wary of scammers. Find out more.

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What can you do with your pension pot?

When you retire you can take a cash lump sum, choose an income draw-down scheme or buy an annuity with your pension pot.

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Attendance Allowance

Attendance Allowance is a benefit for people over State Pension age who need help with personal care or supervision because of illness or disability.

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