Haringey Reach and Connect is once again proud to be joining an annual campaign which raises awareness of Loneliness and gets people talking about it.   

Together with our partners in the voluntary and community sector we are celebrating the power of community and connection.

Loneliness Awareness Week is an opportunity to identify and acknowledge all the times that we have personally felt and experienced loneliness, so we can start to change our viewpoint, accept it and understand how to take action to manage the feeling (and our social connections) in the future. 

There were days when I only spoke to a Delivery Driver. Since R&C supported me, I’ve been going on Wellbeing Walks and may join a Shared Reading Group.
— Zelda (age 62)

What's on

Events include a week of activities promoting social activities to encourage connections in the community.

Loneliness Awareness Week 2024 timetable
I struggle with walking and being on my own so much is difficult. Having somewhere to go is so important because it gives me purpose to live. Visits from the Reach and Connect team have really made a difference.
— William (age 94) “

Although loneliness can be experienced by anyone at anytime, recent research by the Campaign to End Loneliness shows that:

  • The number of over-50s experiencing loneliness is set to reach two million by 2025/26 – a 49% increase in 10 years.
  • Half a million older people go at least five or six days a week without seeing or speaking to anyone at all.
  • 59% of those aged 85 and over and 38% of those aged 75 to 84 live alone.
  • About 3.9 million say the television is their main company.

Useful websites

Marmalade Trust
Marmalade Trust is the UK’s leading loneliness charity for all ages and the only charity in the world specifically dedicated to raising awareness of loneliness.

Campaign to End Loneliness

Experts in the field of loneliness and connection since 2011, their vision is that everyone can live a life free from chronic loneliness.