Celebrating Men on the Move

In October 2024, we spoke with Sam, a Social Prescriber who worked for South West Haringey Primary Care Network, and Guillaume, a member of Men on the Move and now a Walk Leader, about their experience of the men’s focused walking group.
Men on the Move is a walking group specifically for men in the borough of Haringey. The group has been a joint effort between Sam and Paul Higgins, a Community Connector at Haringey Reach & Connect.
The aim of the walk is to combat loneliness in older men, build their self-esteem, help them get fitter and connect them with other activities and services locally.
Watch the video to find out more about the walking group and the impact it has.
If you are interested in joining Men on the Move, please call:
Anita on 07973 571 921;
Or Lily: 07971 113 463.
Alternatively you can email at: get.active@haringey.gov.uk