A Volunteer’s story - Lloyd Blair

Lloyd, recently retired, has a background in creative arts and has been putting his skills to good use by volunteering for the past three years.
“I love teaching” says the former staff member at University of the Arts, London.
“When I retired, I decided that I would like to get more involved with the local community. I have had a lot of work experiences in a University setting and thought that I could make a difference by sharing my skills, knowledge and experiences locally.”
So, he signed up to be a volunteer at a Public Voice open day at Tottenham Green Leisure Centre and now he teaches senior citizens how to access the internet on their mobile phones or computers.
Lloyd contributes to Coffee and Computers workshops “Helping people to develop confidence in their use of the internet” He loves the sense of achievement it brings. “The joy one gets by helping others to achieve their goals.”
Like many of us, Lloyd has had to work outside of Haringey. “I have lived in Tottenham for over thirty years during which I worked outside the borough.” But volunteering has given him the chance to get closer to the people he lives alongside. “It is a great way to get more involved in the community” he says. He also likes the way that volunteering opportunities are flexible so he can do as much or as little as he is able.
What an asset Lloyd has become to our Haringey community! On behalf of all the older people he has helped over the years we’d like to say a big thank-you.