Art exhibition by Artful Codgers challenges ageism

Last month, Haringey Reach and Connect held an engaging art exhibition with mini art workshops at Shaftesbury Hall. The event formed part of the #SeeAndBeSeen event for the Age Without Limits Action Day. The exhibition was held in association with The Centre of Ageing Better, who helped fund the exhibition. The Mayor of Haringey, Councillor Lester Buxton, was in attendance.
The artwork on display was created by members of ‘Artful Codgers’, a weekly, in-person, art-based group focusing on creativity and well-being for over 50s. Artful Codgers provides a space for relaxation, creativity and connection with others in the community.
Alice Martin, a Community Connector at Haringey Reach and Connect, organised the event. She said: “Around 50 people of all ages attended on the day. Haringey Reach and Connect colleagues and friends helped to set up the hall and supported people to participate in the workshops.
“Everyone who came had a great time and there was a lot of laughter and conversation. There was great interest in finding out the facts around ageism and the detrimental effect it can have on society. Having Mayor of Haringey, Councillor Lester Buxton, visit the exhibition and take part in the workshops made the day even more special.”
The event aimed to shed light on the issue of ageism. Ageism refers to stereotyping, discrimination or prejudice directed towards a person because of their age. Evidence shows ageism can have a hugely damaging impact on us as we get older – on our health, on our job prospects and the way we live our lives, and on wider society and the economy.
Ageism is often dismissed as being harmless, but research shows that ageist ideas or beliefs can be incredibly damaging for us as individuals and for wider society. It affects how we think about and act towards older people in our workplaces, our communities and in health settings.
Age Without Limits have a test to see if you unwittingly hold ageist beliefs. You can take the test here.
How Age-friendly Communities celebrated the Age Without Limits Action Day 2024
The first Age Without Limits Action Day brought together an array of events and activities helping to change perceptions about ageing.
Ellen Denley, the Centre for Ageing Better's Programme Officer for Localities, provides an insight of what was on offer in marking this special day, including the Artful Codger's workshop and exhibition.