Our plan to continue operating during the Coronavirus outbreak

We will continue to be in contact with the Council, the local NHS, community groups and organisations via phone and email to ensure we can keep you informed with the most reliable and up to date information.
Despite the Coronavirus outbreak, we will endeavour to do everything we can to support over 50s in Haringey.
All our face to face meetings, stalls and any other forms of public engagement are now temporarily postponed and our offices are closed to visitors.
We will stay in contact with you all via telephone, email, social media, and our website.
It is likely that information will continue to change very quickly, both in Haringey and nationally across the country. We will do our best to keep our website up to date with this information, as it is announced.
If you have an older neighbour over 50 or are aware of someone with a health problem that may make them more susceptible to Coronavirus, contact us to see if there is anything we can do to help or support them.