Connecting with supported housing residents in Haringey

In October 2021, various events were held for residents of L&Q homes in Haringey.
L&Q provide homes for vulnerable adults and young people who need help to live independently. This includes accommodation intended for older people, and a range of other housing for those with other needs.
Community Connectors Polly, Alex and Ashley attended and spoke to residents about dementia and mental health, providing advice and tips on using five daily practices to help improve mental wellbeing, including connecting with family or friends, being more active, being mindful of themselves and others, learning a new skill and giving to others.
There were also a number of games for participants, including various quizzes. The residents really enjoyed themselves, especially those who don’t have easy access to communal facilities. Refreshments and transport were provided, and it is hoped that there will be more face-to-face events in the future to build on the success of this one.