Tackling Loneliness and Isolation: Findings from the evaluation of the Connecting Communities service
Findings by the British Red Cross from the evaluation of their Connecting Communities service.

In May 2017 the Co-op and British Red Cross launched the Connecting Communities service in over 30 locations around the UK. We commissioned the School of Health and Related Research at the University of Sheffield to independently evaluate the service and the outcomes for service users. It is one of the first evaluations of a large-scale national social prescribing scheme to reduce loneliness and which tracks changes in loneliness over time.
The evaluation has provided a significant amount of learning about how the service, and other social prescribing services can be used to reduce loneliness and social isolation.
Key findings
- Over 9,000 people supported between May 2017 and April 2019
- 69% less lonely
- More than 400 volunteers recruited to help support people in their communities (between May 2017 and April 2019)
Tackling Loneliness and Isolation: Findings from the evaluation of our Connecting Communities service
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Tackling Loneliness and Isolation: Findings from the evaluation of our Connecting Communities service