M WORD training course ends with celebration
We held our final M WORD menopause training session on 17th February 2020 and celebrated with a feast and flowers!

In total, 14 women attended sessions with representatives from Hornsey Vale Community Centre, Carers First, Asian Women’s Group and professionals such as a Local Area Coordinator and Social Prescriber.
Outcomes include:
- Two Haringey Reach and Connect volunteers intend to set up a Menopause Café.
- Hornsey Vale Community Centre is running four evenings on the topic as part of International Women’s Week.
- Haringey Reach and Connect is participating in Haringey’s International Women’s Day at Broadwater Farm Community Centre on Sunday 8th March.
- A further training course will run in the spring funded by Haringey Council
- Two participants would like to support Social Prescribers with a coffee mornings in local GP practices.
- Two participants will incorporate information sharing in to a programme of healthy walks and talks at The Bridge Renewal Trust.