Haringey Reach and Connect adapts service offer

Public Voice have swiftly adapted the Reach and Connect service to meet the needs of local people in Haringey who are feeling lonely, in need of a chat or worried about the current crisis, as well as those who are self-isolating and unable to leave home to collect their prescribed medication. Due to Coronavirus, the service will now support those who are over 18 and in most need.
So far, over 120 local people have applied to volunteer as telephone friendship callers or medicine couriers so that they can support local people, and some of these volunteers have already collected and delivered medication to over 50 housebound residents.
Community Connectors
As well as managing the volunteers, Reach and Connect ‘Community Connectors’ are providing information, guidance and support to local people as well as existing clients. The team, who are adhering to all social distancing and hand hygiene requirements, are supporting those most in need at this time.
Coronavirus support services
Haringey Reach and Connect is taking referrals for telephone friendship calls, along with medication deliveries for those who are housebound and have nobody else to collect their prescription.