Haringey Reach and Connect Bi-Annual Review: 2019-2021

Our focus was to offer signposting, brief interventions and workshops to enable clients to improve their wellbeing in six different areas: Connect; Be Active; Take Notice; Keep Learning; Give to Others; Stay Independent.
With three Community Connectors, we began to reach out to and connect with local residents, voluntary groups and statutory services through our drop-ins, community events and other engagement opportunities.
Outreach yielded referrals, and the service gained momentum: we visited clients in their homes and in the community, and began to build a team of volunteers to enrich our work. From the get-go, we have linked clients to the right support and have actively built community through our projects.
As the service took shape, three Community Connectors became eight, and our work evolved into two distinct but equally important strands, illustrated here with case studies:
- Working with individual clients to resolve problems.
- Actively promoting “ways to wellbeing” through workshops.
Download our report to find out more.
Download the report here.
If you need it any other format please email hello@reachandconnect.net or call 020 3196 1905.