The Seasonal Health Intervention Network (SHINE) is a fuel poverty and free energy advice service for Londoners. SHINE London offers a dedicated helpline and affordable warmth interventions to ensure households get the help they need to reduce utility bills, tackle energy debt and ultimately stay well and warm.

Advice from National Energy Action (NEA)
If you or someone you know can’t afford to heat their home then NEA may be able to help. They offer a range of advice and support both directly to people in need, and via frontline workers and other intermediaries.
Phone lines are currently operational Monday to Friday, 10.00 am to 12.00 noon

Energy Saving Tips from Utilita
Waste less energy, start saving money with Utilita. Utilita’s #EnergyHigh5 campaign is a positive behaviour change campaign designed to educate the nation on how every household can waste less energy and save money by making five simple and free-of-charge adjustments to the way we use energy at home.

Simple Energy Advice
Impartial and independent advice to help you reduce your energy bills, make your home warmer, plan home improvements, make your home greener.

Green Homes Grant
Make energy improvements to your home. Check if you're eligible for the Green Homes Grant scheme and see what improvements can be made to your home.

Centre for Sustainable Energy
If your house or flat is uninsulated and draughty, and if your appliances are inefficient, then you’re wasting energy and money – and making yourself less snug and warm. Find out more about ways to make your home more energy efficient.

Warmer Homes Programme
The Mayor of London’s Warmer Homes programme provides free heating, insulation and ventilation improvements for low income Londoners who own their own homes or rent privately.

Water UK - Advice on water suppliers and bills
The Water UK team engages with companies and regulators to ensure customers receive high quality tap water at a reasonable price and that our environment is protected and improved.

Switching energy
supplier if you are in debt
Information and advice from Citizens Advice. Whether you can switch if you’re in debt to your gas or electricity supplier depends on how long you’ve owed the money.

Switching providers
Uswitch is an online and telephone comparison and switching service that helps you to compare prices on a range of products and services. They could help you save money on gas and electricity, heating cover, home phone, communications, insurance and personal finance products. Their aim is to help you take advantage of the best prices and services on offer from suppliers.

Smart Meters
Energy suppliers are gradually installing the next generation of gas and electricity meters, called smart meters. The Government's ambition is for everyone in England, Scotland and Wales to be offered them at no upfront cost in the next few years. But what exactly are they, should you get them, and what happens if you switch?
How to Read Gas and Electricity Meters
It is important to be able to read your meters to make sure you are giving your energy supplier up-to-date readings which ensures they can provide you with an accurate bill and not one based on an estimate. Download this guide to find out more about reading your meters.
Local Energy Advice Partnership (LEAP)
LEAP is a free energy and money saving service providing help and support to vulnerable people. Find out more about LEAP by downloading this presentation.
Your Home Energy Checklist
Download this guide and follow the steps to help you manage your energy bills and keep your home warm and safe in winter.
How to Read Your Electricity Bill
Different suppliers will have different-looking bills. Bills will also look different depending on the way you pay. Download this guide to find out how to read yours.
How to Read Your Gas Bill
Different suppliers will have different-looking bills. Bills will also look different depending on the way you pay. Download this guide to find out how to read yours.
Green Homes Grant
Download a presentation on Green Homes Grant energy improvements to your home.
Using Your Central Heating System
Central heating is designed to keep all or most of the house warm from a single, central point of heat such as a boiler. It is important that central heating is controlled as much as possible to make sure you have heat when you need it. This will help you to keep fuel costs down. Download this guide to find out more about using your central heating system.